===== The Element ===== ==== Definition and Usage ==== The [[descriptor|]] element defines the initial values for properties of [[media|]] elements. These initial values are defined in attributes of the element, or in child [[descriptorparam|]] elements. ==== Syntax ==== ^ Element ^ Attributes ^ Content ^ Parent ^ | [[descriptor|]] | __//id//__, //player//, //explicitDur//, //region//, //freeze//, //moveLeft//, //moveRight//, //moveUp//, //moveDown//, //focusIndex//, //focusBorderColor//, //focusBorderWidth//, //focusBorderTransparency//, //focusSrc//, //focusSelSrc//, //selBorderColor//, //transIn//, //transOut// | ([[descriptorparam|]])* | [[descriptorbase|]] | ==== Attributes ==== ^ Name ^ Value ^ Description ^ | //id// | It may receive any string value that begins with a letter or an underscore and that only contains letters, digits, <".">, and <"_">. | The //id// attribute uniquely identifies the element within a document. | | //player// | String. If not specified, the player is determined by the object type, defined by the type attribute of the [[media|]] element, or is inferred by the file extension used in the //src// attribute of the [[media|]] element. | Identifies the presentation tool to be used. | | //explicitDur// |

The //delay// attribute is be specified according with one of the following syntax:

  1. <"Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Fraction">, where "Hours" is an integer in the [0,23] interval, "Minutes" is an integer in the [0,59] interval, "Seconds" is an integer in the 0,59 interval, and "Fraction" is a positive integer,
  2. Seconds<"s">, where "Seconds" is a positive real number.

For continuous media, the default value shall be set to the natural duration, otherwise it must be set to nil.

| Gives the duration of an object. | | //region// | IDREF. | The //region// attribute identifies a [[region|]] element used to initialize the left, right, top, bottom, height, width, and zIndex properties of the [[media|]] element that refers to the [[descriptor|]] element. | | //freeze// |

"true" or "false".

The default value is "false".

| The //freeze// attribute defines what will happen with an object at the end of its presentation, if the end content is frozen ("true") or not ("false"). | | //moveLeft// | Positive integer. | The //moveLeft// attribute specifies a value equal to the //focusIndex// value associated to an element to which the focus should be applied when the "left-arrow" key is pressed. | | //moveRight// | Positive integer. | The //moveRight// attribute specifies a value equal to the //focusIndex// value associated to an element to which the focus should be applied when the "right-arrow" key is pressed. | | //moveUp// | Positive integer. | The //moveUp// attribute specifies a value equal to the //focusIndex// value associated to an element to which the focus should be applied when the "up-arrow" key is pressed. | | //moveDown// | Positive integer. | The //moveDown// attribute specifies a value equal to the //focusIndex// value associated to an element to which the focus should be applied when the "down-arrow" key is pressed. | | //focusIndex// | Positive integer | The //focusIndex// attribute specifies an index for the [[media|]] element to which the focus may be applied. When the corresponding property is not defined, the object is considered as if no focus could be set. | | //focusBorderColor// |

"white", "black", "silver", "gray", "red", "maroon", "fuchsia", "purple", "lime", "green", "yellow", "olive", "blue", "navy", "aqua", or "teal".

The default value is given by the "default.focusBorderColor" property of the //settings// object.

| Defines the color to decorate the screen region where the object on focus is being presented, before it is selected. | | //focusBorderWidth// |


The default value is defined by the "default.focusBorderWidth" property of the //settings// object.

| Width, in pixels, applied to the border of an element in focus. | | //focusBorderTransparency// |

A real number in the [0,1] interval, or a real number in the [0,100] interval ending with the character <"%"> (e.g. "30%").

The default value is defined by the "default.focusTransparency" property of the //settings// object.

| Transparency applied to the border of an element in focus, with 1 or 100% meaning full transparency and 0 or 0% meaning no transparency. | | //focusSrc// |

The following are valid values:

  • <"file:///file_path/#fragment_identifier"> -- for local files,
  • <"http://server_identifier/file_path/#fragment_identifier"> -- for remote files downloaded using the HTTP protocol,
  • <"https://server_identifier/file_path/#fragment_identifier"> -- for remote files downloaded using the HTTPS protocol,
  • <"rtsp://server_identifier/file_path/#fragment_identifier"> -- for streams downloaded using the RTSP protocol,
  • <"rtp://server_identifier/file_path/#fragment_identifier"> -- for streams downloaded using the RTP protocol,
  • <"ncl-mirror://media_element_identifier"> -- for a content flow identical to the one in presentation by another [[media|]] element,
  • <"sbtvd-ts:"> or <"isdb-ts:"> or <"ts://program_number.component_tag"> -- for elementary streams received from the transport stream.

For //src// attribute whose value identifies the <"sbtvd-ts">, <"isdb-ts">, or <"ts"> scheme, the "program_number.component_tag", can be substituted by the following reserved words:

  • "video" -- corresponding to the primary video ES being presented on the video plan,
  • "audio" -- corresponding to the primary audio ES,
  • "text" -- corresponding to the primary text ES,
  • "video(i)" -- corresponding to the //i//-th smaller video ES "component_tag" listed in the PMT of the tuned services,
  • "audio(i)" -- corresponding to the //i//-th smaller audio ES "component_tag" listed in the PMT of the tuned services, or
  • "text(i)" -- corresponding to the //i//-th smaller text ES "component_tag" listed in the PMT of the tuned services.
| The //focusSrc// attribute can specify an alternative media source to be presented, instead of the current presentation, if an element receives the focus. This attribute follows the same rules of the //src// attribute of the [[media|]] element. | | //focusSelSrc// | Same as for //focusSrc//. | When an element on focus is selected, by pressing the activation ("SELECT" or "ENTER") key, the //focusSelSrc// property can specify an alternative media source to be presented, instead of the current presentation. This attribute follows the same rules of the //src// attribute of the [[media|]] element. | | //selBorderColor// |

"white", "black", "silver", "gray", "red", "maroon", "fuchsia", "purple", "lime", "green", "yellow", "olive", "blue", "navy", "aqua", or "teal".

The default value is given by the "default.selBorderColor" property of the //settings// object.

| Defines the color to decorate the screen region where the object on focus is being presented, after it is selected. | | //transIn// | Semicolon-separated list of IDREFs. | The //transIn// attribute is a semicolon-separated list of [[transition|]] element identifiers. | | //transOut// | Semicolon-separated list of IDREFs. | The //transOut// attribute is a semicolon-separated list of [[transition|]] element identifiers. |