===== The Element ===== ==== Definition and Usage ==== The [[rule|]] element defines simple rules for defining either alternative components or alternative descriptors. The //id// attribute is the rule identifier. A rule is established by comparing (//comparator// attribute) a variable (//var// attribute) value with an absolute value. The variable shall be a property of the settings node ([[media|]] element of application/x-ncl-settings type), that is, the //var// attribute must have as its valuea property name of the [[media|]] element of "application/x-ncl-settings" type. ==== Syntax ==== ^ Element ^ Attributes ^ Content ^ Parent ^ | [[rule|]] | //id//, __//var//__, __//comparator//__, __//value//__ | -- | [[rulebase|]] or [[compositerule|]] | ==== Attributes ==== ^ Name ^ Value ^ Description ^ | //id// | It may receive any string value that begins with a letter or an underscore and that only contains letters, digits, <".">, and <"_">. | The //id// attribute uniquely identifies the element within a document. | | //var// | It may receive any string value that begins with a letter or an underscore and that only contains letters, digits, <".">, and <"_">. | The //var// attribute uniquely identifies a property name of the settings node ([[media|]] element of "application/x-ncl-settings" type). | | //comparator// | "eq", "ne", "gt", "lt", "gte", or "lte". | The //comparator// attribute compares the value of the property specified by the //var// attribute with the absolute value specified in the //value// attribute. | | //value// | String. | The //value// attribute defines a value to be compared with the property value referred by the //var// attribute. |