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compoundcondition [2014/09/16 14:26] (current)
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 +===== The <compoundCondition> Element =====
 +==== Definition and Usage ====
 +The [[compoundcondition|<compoundCondition>]] element defines a logical expression among its
 +child elements by means of its Boolean //operator// attribute.
 +A //delay// attribute may also be defined specifying that the compound
 +condition is true after a time delay from the expression relating its child
 +elements is true.
 +When an "and" compound condition relates more than one trigger condition
 +(that is, a condition that is satisfied in an infinitesimal time
 +instant–--as for example, the end of an object presentation), the compound
 +condition shall be considered true in the instant immediately after all the
 +trigger conditions are satisfied.
 +==== Syntax ====
 +^ Element ^ Attributes ^ Content ^ Parent ^
 +| [[compoundcondition|<compoundCondition>]] | __//operator//__, //delay// | (([[simplecondition|<simpleCondition>]] <nowiki>|</nowiki> [[compoundcondition|<compoundCondition>]])+,([[assessmentstatement|<assessmentStatement>]] <nowiki>|</nowiki> [[compoundstatement|<compoundStatement>]])*) | [[causalconnector|<causalConnector>]] or [[compoundcondition|<compoundCondition>]] |
 +==== Attributes ====
 +^ Name ^ Value ^ Description ^
 +| //operator// | "and" or "or".  | The //operator// attribute defines a logical expression among the [[compoundcondition|<compoundCondition>]] child elements. |
 +| //delay// | <html><p></html>The //delay// attribute is be specified according with one of the following syntax:<html></p></html><html><ol></html><html><li class="level1"><div class="li"></html><"<nowiki>Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Fraction</nowiki>">, where "Hours" is an integer in the [0,23] interval, "Minutes" is an integer in the [0,59] interval, "Seconds" is an integer in the 0,59 interval, and "Fraction" is a positive integer,<html></div></li></html><html><li class="level1"><div class="li"></html>Seconds<"s">, where "Seconds" is a positive real number.<html></div></li></html><html></ol></html><html><p></html>The default value is "0s".<html></p></html> | The //delay// attribute defines that the [[compoundcondition|<compoundCondition>]] is true after a time delay from the expression relating its child elements is true. |
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