The <attributeAssessment> Element

Definition and Usage

The <attributeAssessment> element is used to define a variable to be evaluated, in <assessmentStatement> elements, against other variable values or an absolute value.

The variable can be a property specifies in a <property> element, or can be a (presentation, selection or attribution) event attribute: occurrences, repetition or state (which has the following values: “occurring”, “paused”, or “sleeping”).

The <attributeAssessment>element has a role attribute, which has to be unique in the connector role set. This attribute is the connector interface point, which is associated to node interfaces (<port>, <area>, <property> or <switchPort> elements) by a <link> that refers to the connector.

The variable defined by the element depends on its eventType attribute and its attributeType attribute:

  • If the eventType value is “presentation”, the attributeType attribute may specifyas variable:the “occurrences” or “repetition” event attributes,or the “state” event state.
  • If the eventType is “attribution” the attributeType may have the values: “nodeProperty” (specifying a node property), “occurrences”, “repetition” or “state”.
  • If the eventType value is “selection”, the <attributeAssessment>can also define to which selection apparatus (for example, keyboard keys or remote control keys) it refers, through its key attribute. The attributeType attribute may have the values: “occurrences” (default) or “state”.

An offset value may be added to an <attributeAssessment> before its comparison in an <assessmentStatement> element. For example, an offset may be added to an attributeassessment to specify: “the screen vertical position plus 50 pixels”.


Element Attributes Content Parent
<attributeAssessment> role, eventType, key, attributeType, offset <assessmentStatement>


Name Value Description
role String. The role attribute defines a connector interface point, which is associated to node interfaces by a link that refers to the connector. The role value must be unique within the set of roles of the connector.
eventType “presentation”, “selection”, or “attribution”. The eventType attribute identifies the type of event for the action or condition.
key At least the following values (case sensitive) must be accepted for the key attribute: “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, “G”, “H”, “I”, “J”, “K”, “L”, “M”, “N”, “O”, “P”, “Q”, “R”, “S”, “T”, “U”, “V”, “W”, “X”, “Y”, “Z”, “*”, ”#”, “MENU”, “INFO”, “GUIDE”, “CURSOR_DOWN”, “CURSOR_LEFT”, “CURSOR_RIGHT”, “CURSOR_UP”, “CHANNEL_DOWN”, “CHANNEL_UP”, “VOLUME_DOWN”, “VOLUME_UP”, “ENTER”, “RED”, “GREEN”, “YELLOW”, “BLUE”, “BACK”, “EXIT”, “POWER”, “REWIND”, “STOP”, “EJECT”, “PLAY”, “RECORD”, and “PAUSE”. The key attribute identifies the selection key used for the selection.

“nodeProperty” (only in the case of eventType=“attribution”), “occurrences”, “repetition”, or “state”.

The default values are: “nodeProperty” if eventType=“attribution”, or “occurrences” if eventType=“selection”.

The attributeType attribute identifies the variable to be evaluated in a <assessmentStatement> element.
offset String. The offset attribute specifies a value to be added to the selected variable before its evaluation in a <assessmentStatement> element.
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